TEAMS: Lupus Spiel Seattle 2018

  • Here is where donations are made to sponsor teams so that they can pick their celebrity skip.
  • DONORS:  (and CURLERS, please instruct your donors):  IMPORTANT:  please use the small donate button WITHIN the team’s form so that your donation is properly allocated to the team. Do not use the “general donations” button at the upper right corner of the website because even though that donation will go towards the LRF mission, the donation won’t be visible on the team’s total (which is indicated on THIS page).
  • TEAMS:  IMPORTANT:  you could have access to (and should look into) corporate matching funds. These COUNT TOWARDS your total! Similarly, (and don’t forget):  any SPONSORSHIPS you bring in COUNT toward your total! In fact, you may use ANY fundraising method! Some teams use facebook, Go Fund Me or other popular campaigns. Some teams use multiple methods. Blast your fundraising efforts on facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! These are all excellent ways to raise your totals!
  • HOWEVER: campaigns OTHER than those conducted on this website will not show up on this page’s totals because this page only reflects donations made on this website (it’s an automated built-in update within the site). We of course keep totals internally. So we ENCOURAGE you to get these updates on the “real and total” totals. Just reach out to us (as often as you like) at: and 720 470 8049.
  • Look into these fundraising methods to optimize your chance of picking your favorite skip!